10 Ways To Get Noticed At The Office In A Good Way

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To become a leader you have to take opportunities to lead and learn every chance you get. Part of this is getting noticed in a good way. You never want the reputation of a self-absorbed, self-centred person. Consider how well you are doing with the following list of 10 ways to get noticed at the office.

  1. Think Strategically: Strategic thinking is a way of being, it’s a mindset that for many great leaders is always turned on. Strategic thinkers are always looking for possibilities while being mindful and respectful of the mission, vision and values of the organization. Strategic thinkers also never lose sight of the employees and its customers.

  2. Find Ways to Lead People & Projects: Look for opportunities to take on leadership roles. Ask for them; don’t wait for them to be offered. Take responsibility for your future by taking responsibility of a team or project.

  3. Be Known As The Reader / Learner: Reading is a great way to learn new things, it allows you to put yourself in someone else’s shoes - see things from a different perspective. Reading also has the added benefit of teaching us the ability to concentrate for extended periods of time; a great trait for a leader. And don’t overlook online or evening courses at your local university or college, they are both great ways to quickly demonstrate your initiative while expanding your knowledge and experience.

  4. Be Open to Change: Change is inevitable and a very good learning opportunity. Stay ahead of the curve… or at least with the curve.

  5. Respect Others: What goes around comes around. Treat others like you want to be treated… everyone. If you ignore lower-level employees when they walk by you or worse yet, in meetings is disrespectful and everyone… especially the most important people will notice. 

  6. Be A Coach / Mentor: All great leaders are mentors and/or coaches. You learn a lot about yourself when you find ways to help others… and it’s another great way to get noticed and learn important leadership skills. 

  7. Respond – Don’t React To Situations: Learn to think about your options and the impact of what you do or say… before you do or say anything.

  8. Get Your Work Done Ahead Of Time: Have good Time Management habits. Push yourself to do better by planning ahead, doing your important work first, working when you are at your best and most of all, managing your expectations as well as the expectations of others.

  9. Be a Problem Solver: Think glass half full. When you introduce a road block or puzzle, think of them as a challenge, an opportunity for excitement – and opportunity to think of a new solution and be creative. This will help get you noticed.

  10. Network: Get to know people inside and outside of your company / department. Be resourceful. Build alliances inside and outside the organization. Be known as that person who says, “I think I know someone who can help us.” And don’t just be a taker, look for opportunities to help others or meet new people.

I put think strategically and find ways to lead as #1 and #2 for a reason. They are really important. I can’t stress how much.

BONUS: Lead By Example: Great leaders lead by example, they do not compromise their values. So, get noticed by being honest and transparent about opportunities and challenges. When things go wrong, great leaders take responsibility, roll up their sleeves and encourage the team to look for solutions on how things can be made better. Get noticed by building a reputation as an inspiring leader who is proud of the teams’ accomplishments.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my list of 10 ways to get noticed in a good way.


About Bruce and Bruce Mayhew Consulting.

Toronto corporate trainer Bruce Mayhew Consulting (BMC) creates customized professional development courses at our Canadian management central office in Toronto. We specialize in Leadership, Communication and other soft skills training solutions.

BMC helps your greatest assets think productive and be productive.

Bruce is an experienced motivational speaker in Toronto and has inspired audiences across Canada and within the USA and the UK. Bruce works hard to always make sure your training event, conference, retreat, or annual general meeting is a success.

Learn more about how you and your organization can benefit from our communication skills courses email us by clicking here or one call does it all at 416.617.0462.

Bruce Mayhew Consulting's most popular programs are Email Writing Training, Leadership & New Leadership Development, Difficult Conversations, Generational Differences / Millennials At Work, Time Management Training and more.